We went to brussels to introuduce our schools pasttime activities and the robots that we work with. We spent the night in the Leopold hotel. In the morning Carolin had been invited to Justus Lipsius for breakfast with a youth group from all over Europe. They had a open discussion on the topic “How to make structured dialog more effective”. Later on we picker her up and headed to the old town for a guided tour. We bought souvenires, sweets and ate waffles. We saw the “peeing boy” and “Everar T Serclaes” statues. There is a myth: If you touch his hand and wish then the wish will come true. We tried it. We took a lot of pictures of old building and statues. Later we were guided to the European building and Justus Lipsius. There we met with Educational Ministers from all over Europe. They seemed very interested in the robots that we demonstrated – they asked lots of questions. We visited the Estonian house, where we had brunch and had a chat with the Think Young team. It was a very interesting time staying there. We got to speak a lot of English, see a lot of new places, meet with loads of interesting people and talk on very interesting topics.